
.GOS.PK Domain

Domain Name belong to Govt of Sindh.

Buy .gos.pk domain naem for PKR.2499 | US$29

{Only Departments from Sindh Govt can register this domain}
  • gos.pk sindh govt domains

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.Gos.PK Domain Name Registration

.Gos.pk domain name extension is specially designed for the organizations and departments of the government of Sindh. As Sindh is a province op Pakistan so .pk domain offers .Gos.pk domain name extension for the province of Pakistan. As every where it is a very progressive environment is located. In Sindh there are many Government departments are running and they want to appear through internet, so .Gos.pk domain is the brilliant approach for the Government of Sindh. .Gos.pk domain extension can be register for the period of two years. You are not eligible to register .Gos.pk domain for less than two years. All the rights of registration and renewal as well as transfer of .pk domain are reserved only for the PKNIC because PKNIC is the main sponsor and seller of .Pk domains. There are many resellers and sponsor of PKNIC are located in all over the Pakistan from where you can register, renew or transfer your .pk domain and .pk domain name extensions and all the resellers and sponsor have the different prices for different .pk domain extensions. Wins hosting is a big reseller and sponsor f PKNIC who offers you the best technical support and best lowest rates or charges for registration and renewal of .pk domain name extension. .Gos.pk domain name extension is reserved only for the Government of Sindh. That’s why no other than the department or organization of the Government of Sindh can register .Gos.pk domain name extension. For the registration of .Gos.pk some of the documents are required to verify the requisite information. And the time requires one or two days for the registration or renewal of the .Gos.pk domain name extension. .


You can transfer your .Gos.pk domain name extension from any reseller or sponsor of PKNIC because PKNIC have all the rights of renewal, registration and transfer of .pk domain name. To transfer .Gos.Pk domain, you have to provide an authority letter to PKNIC from your company letter head which already been registered for .Gos. pk domain name extension, also a copy of your director or equivalent Officer /(CEO), a copy of your CNIC and you should provide the registered PKNIC ID number to whom you want to transfer your .Gos.Pk domain name and also mention your domain ID number. Wins hosting is a big and main reseller of PKNIC which allowed you to transfer your .Gos.Pk domain name to get the better technical support. Wins hosting also take same charges from their client at the time of registration of .Gos.Pk domain.


You can renew your .Gos.pk domain name extension from PKNIC, because the rights of renewal of .Gos.pk domain extension are fixed for PKNIC. As the .Gos.pk domain name extension can be renew after the two years of registration because after two years it will be expire after 15 days. There are many reseller and sponsors of PKNIC are available in all over the Pakistan, but the Wins hosting is a big reseller and main sponsor of PKNIC, which provides you the facility of renewal in very low price. You cannot renew your .Gos.Pk domain name extension before two years of registration and can be further renew for minimum of two years. You can renew your .Gos.pk domain name extension by yourself by purchasing the renewal PKNIC prepaid card and enter it. You can purchase PKNIC renewal card from wins hosting in same price as of registration. We offer you in same price of renewal and registration for all the .pk domains.


As .Gos.pk is also reserved for the Government departments of Pakistan only for the province of Sindh not other than Sindh so you should have the CNIC of Pakistan at the time of registration of .Gos.pk domain. You cannot register .Gos.pk domain for any illegal process or work. .Gos.pk domain is reserved only for the departments and organizations for the Government of Sindh. As PKNIC have all rights of registration and renewal of .pk domains are reserves for it. Wins hosting is a big reseller and sponsor of PKNIC domain through which you can easily register, transfer or can renew your .Gos.Pk domain for the minimum period of two years. The .Gos.pk domain cannot be registered or renew for less than two years.

.GOS.PK Domain Registration Features

Perfectly Secure

.pk domain is completely secure from all type of misuse and secure from illegal activities

Internationally Use

.Pk domain is designed only for the Pakistan so cannot used it at international level

Fast Registration

.pk domain can be registered quickly with in an hour or maximum one day is required

Sindhi Govt

We offer any domain name extension belong to sindhi Governmental Departments.

.GOS.PK Domain Overview

.GOS.PK Domain Requirements

✔   Full Name ✔   Postal Address
✔   Department Name ✔   Email Address
✔   Department Letter Head ✔   Contact No
✔   Department Registration Copy ✔   Department Stamp
✔   Director/CEO CNIC Copy ✔   Director/CEO Signature

Restrictions On .GOS.PK Domain Name

Min. Character: 04
Max. Character: 63
Numeric Character: Yes (Allowed)
Hyphen Character: Yes (Allowed)

.GOS.PK Domain Facts

Launched: 1992
Registry/Sponsor: PKNIC
Status: Active
Domain name transfer: Documentation Process

.GOS.PK domain registry information

Country: Pakistan
IDN support: YES
Additional Charges: NO
Restrictions: YES

.GOS.PK Domain Price

Processing Charges: PKR 500
Registration Charges: PKR 2499/2Yrs
Renewal Charges: PKR 2499/2Yrs
Domain name transfer: Yes (Allowed)

.GOS.PK Registration Period

Registration period: 2 Years
Max Registration / Renewal period: 10 Years
Min Registration / Renewal Period: 2 Years
Activation delay: 7-10 Days

Attach Hosting With your Domain


Shared Hosting

Domain name without good web hosting is nothing, those who have low budget will & want to get best web hosting in Pakistan would attach our shared web hosting with .edu.pk domain.

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Web ready + Hosting

Can’t afford a developer for your very first web appearance? Get our script hosting comes with pre-installed scripts like joomla, Wordpress Opencart & Magento for instant web appearance

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FAQ - About .GOS.PK domain

.GOS.PK domain Name Transfer or not?

Yes! it is possible to transfer .gos.pk doamin name from one account to another.

What is the registration time period for .GOS.PK domain?

.gos.pk domain name takes 1 to 2 hours for registration and maximum 10 days for activation.

Is .GOS.PK domain restricted or not?

Yes, .gos.pk domain name is restricted and can only be registered through a special process executed by any sindh governmental department.

Why we need to register a .GOS.PK domain?

Because it help to promote your Sindh govt visibility over Pakistan through Internet.

Is there a contract?

No there is no such contract but specific documents requirements.

eligible Entities?

This Domain reserved for SindH government, registered Government departments & registered legal entities of sindh province of Pakistan. it can register for minimum 2 years and require 2-3 hour to registration and almost 7 to 10 working days for its activations